“我们家”正在建设当中 Desireè House(social center,Wuhan)Under Construction

on the roof 屋顶(On the roof)


    我与两位朋友,原四百击乐队成员吴风以及原武汉朋克成员,现在的漫画家王禾,找到了一所有院子的房子,准备将它建设成一个社会中心。我们为它取名,“我们家”(desireè House)。这在中国还未有过,希望我们的尝试能够为大家带来另外一种交流的方式。在这里,我们计划了如下的内容:

   hey everyone,

     Me and two of my friends, Wufeng-the bassist of 400 Blows and Wanghe-the ex-punk and now a cartoon drawer, found a house with yards, and are constructing it to a social center. We named it "Wo Men Jia-Desiree House”. This is ever the fisrt such thing appeared in China.We hope this does help us to build an alternative communication way. We are planning to hold:

     1. 图书室,专门供应另类/无政府主义图书以及资料。

        Alternative Library for alternative information about the life and world

     2. 讨论与讲座。就社会议题组织各种讨论与讲座。

        Discussion and Lectures on life and social issues.

     3. 乐队排练室。

        Free Band Practice Room.

     4. 艺术家工作室。

        Free Artist Studio.

     5. 免费的乐器与绘画等等教授。

         Free teaching of instruments and darwing

     6. 小型艺术展览。

         Small Exhibitions

     7. 小型独立电影放映。

        Small Cinema for Independent Movies

     8. 小型音乐演出

        Small Gigs of Folk,Experimental Music, or band if possible

     9. 免费的青年旅舍。为离家者,旅行者与巡演乐队提供住宿。

        Free Accommodation for family escapees, travelers,touring bands if in need.

     10. 聚会


     11. 组织信息与发布信息

          Alternative Information Workshop。


          我们需要你们的帮助: 建议,志愿参与,与捐赠,比如书籍资料与经费。

         We need the helps of advising and suggesting, volunteer involving, and donating of books, informations and small finance.



         Let’s Do it!


         麦巅 吴风 王禾

         详情与写信 For details please write to river.under.the.sun@gmail.com (Mai Dian)On the roofOn the rooffor this moment

门与房子 (The gate to the house)院子(yard) 




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